“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” - Gandhi 

I know I promised you newsletters on fun topics like clean beauty, but I'd like to address the ugliness around us first. As a small business owner and member of the (not-so-diverse) skincare and wedding industries, please allow me to share my commitments with you today. I also realize that "clean beauty" can be seen as a privilege, so I am more determined than ever to fight for the right for all people to have access to safer products.

As I explore my own white privilege and what it means to be anti-racist, I am committed to making serious changes in my personal life and business. I’m no expert, and I’m still learning, but I can take responsibility for myself and my business. Black Lives Matter and I can use my platform and my actions for change.

Helping people lead their best lives is at the core of my values. I’ve always welcomed anyone, regardless of race, gender identity, or disability to my makeup chair. But I realize that inclusivity is not enough and actions speak greater than words.

Several of you have asked me how Beautycounter supports Black Lives Matter, so I'd like to address our company's actions first. I’m proud to work for Beautycounter - a company that has always championed for change. We are stepping up our anti-racism efforts now and frequently update the blog with details - from advocating for ongoing policy change, donating funds to support anti-racist organizations, and sharing resources. 

Did you know that our advocacy for safer products has resulted in steps forward for consumers, especially communities of color? By passing legislation to move the whole market forward, other brands will be forced to create safer products for women of color who face higher incidence of disease linked to chemical exposure. We’ve helped pass two laws: the Cleaning Products Right to Know Act and the Safer Salon bill which protect vulnerable populations and professions dominated by women (often women of color) who are exposed to chemicals for long periods of time in poorly ventilated areas.

We have texted thousands of lawmakers to take action. You can help us too. Please take a moment to text BETTERBEAUTY to 52886 in the US or 70734 in Canada. Our text action is one of the most effective ways to get in touch with your elected officials. 

I’ve also put my money to action. I've chosen to donate a portion of my earnings to two organizations. The first is Black Women for Wellness, which aims to expand healthcare access, reduce toxic chemicals that are prevalent in the Black community and build political advocacy. And the second is Black Mamas Matter Alliance, which envisions a world where Black mothers have the rights, respect, and resources to thrive before, during, and after pregnancy. As a mom to two little girls, I’m infuriated by the thought of Black mothers not getting the resources they need simply because of their race. It’s unacceptable and I want to help.

 Additionally, here’s a list of actions I will take immediately:

  • Source, purchase, and share clean beauty products from Black-owned businesses (start by checking this amazing list by the Healthy Maven).

  • Recommend products and colors that work beautifully on deeper skin tones

  • Collaborate with and promote Black-owned wedding industry vendors. (I’ve had the pleasure of working with @ucwhateyec and @lifestylemavenevents - go follow them!)

  • Educate women of color about toxic chemical exposure and the benefits of clean beauty

  • Share the Beautycounter business opportunity and mentor Black women seeking to reach their own professional goals

What else would you like to see change? I'm here for the long haul and have direct access to leaders in our industry. Please reach out to me with your feedback, ideas, or comments so I can speak up for all of us seeking for change. 

Thank you for sticking with me here. I'm looking forward to having more important discussions with you. 

Until next time,



